Nominal voltage Uo/U: 450/750 V
Maximum operating temperature: 90°C
Minimum operating temperature: -30°C (without mechanical stress)
Minimum installation temperature: -15°C
Maximum short circuit temperature: 250°C
Maximum tensile stress: 50 N/mm2
Minimum bending radius: 4 x maximum external diameter
Use and installation
Particularly suitable in crowded environments where people’s safety is fundamental. For installation in surface or embedded conduits or similar closed systems. Suitable for fixed laying inside lighting devices and switching and control equipments. In protected installations inside command and interruption equipments, voltages are allowed up to 1000 V a.c. or 750 V d.c. to ground. The 1 mm² cross section is to be used only for lifts and elevators electric circuits or for internal connections in switchboards for signalling and control. Not suitable for outdoor installation. (ref. CEI 20-40)
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